Other Project Ideas40 Cool Projects for the Pi: 40 of them, they are cool.
Gordon's Pi Projects: Great ideas and projects from Gordon Wiki Gudie to Pi: Wikipedia's overview of Pi GPIO Cambridge Projects: Resources and Ideas MagPi Online Magazine, lots of ideas and code! GPIO Resources and Projects: Easy to follow. CBiS-Education: Kits for the Pi Raspberry Pi - Spy: Resources and ideas Arduino: Project site with resources and learning materials Mitch Tech: RasPi, Andriod, Kinect and more RetroPi: Old Skool games console emulation PiGlow: Get the 18 UltraBright LEDs PukkaPi : Projects for the Pi: Coding, Hacking, Destroying, Fixing, Geeking Raspberry Pod; Great site for projects RaspPi-TV: Check this out Fritzing: Create online circuit board diagrams Instructables: instructions for Pi projects Raspberry Pi Van: Make a van with the Pi LearnSpark: Really good how to tutorials |
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