PI PROJECTS: Weather App
What is it?This project combines a Python Parser and Weather information pulled down from Yahoo Weather page. A Parser is the process of analysing a string of symbols.
Python Weather App - LoopingWeather App writing to Text FileInstall the Parser ModuleIn the LX Terminal :
Update your Pi Sudo apt-get update Upgrade your Pi Sudo apt-get upgrade Search for the python Parser in the repositories, Sudo apt-cache search feed parser Install the Parser sudo apt-get install python-feedparser |
How To:First go to the Yahoo Weather Website and enter the location where you want to draw the weather data from, eg London.
Yahoo Weather In the address bar there will be a 5 digit number that denotes the ID of the location, for example London is http://uk.weather.yahoo.com/united-kingdom/england/london-44418/, ID number 44418, you will need the ID number for your own location.
The basic code function is rss_link ='http://weather.yahooapis.com/forecastrss?w=44418u=c' where the temperature is return in either 'c' Celsius or 'f' Fahrenheit then add the code d = feedparser.parse(rss_link) Next use the Parser to pull down the required data, this is stored in categories which are listed at the Yahoo developer site. For example, atmosphere = d.feed.yweather_atmosphere This pulls down the related related data from the atmosphere category from this the humidity value can be selected and stored, humidity = atmosphere['humidity'] Then use the print function to display the data print "Humidity for "+city, humidity Program examples for London Weather: Program 1 -Original program with looping feature Program 2 - Weather data is written to a text file called weather_summary Further development details can be found at Yahoo Developer |